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Quiz Night at the Village Hall

Quiz Night at the Village Hall

This will be a special evening to run alongside this year’s Rugby Union Six Nations tournament. For those of you unsure, the countries that take part are: England, France, Ireland, Italy, Scotland and Wales. The questions will be based on these nations and will not necessarily be about rugby.

Your quizmaster for the evening will be a kilted Ptolemy McKinnon; thank you Ptolemy.

Entry will be £2.00 for social club members and £4.00 for non-members, £2.00 of which will cover the guest fee. Maximum team size will be six. No need to book, just turn up on the night. Either come with a complete team or join in with another. Everybody is very friendly and welcoming.

The winning team will receive 50% of the entrance fund, excluding guest fee, as a prize with the balance going to the village hall. Depending on numbers there might be a 50:50 draw.

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